BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
AudioVideo Library
< prev
Text File
703 lines
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----- HyperTalk script -----
on openStack
hide menubar
if the userLevel < 4 then set userLevel to 4
end openStack
on chooseYear
put "1990,1999,1998,1997,1996,1995,1994,1993,1992,1991,;" & "1980,1989,1987,1986,1985,1984,1983,1982,1981,;" & "1970,1979,1978,1977,1976,1975,1974,1973,1972,1971,;" & "1960,1969,1968,1967,1966,1965,1964,1963,1962,1961,;" & "1950,1959,1958,1957,1956,1955,1954,1953,1952,1951,;" & "1940,1949,1948,1947,1946,1945,1944,1943,1942,1941,;" & "1930,1939,1938,1937,1936,1935,1934,1933,1932,1931,;" & "1920,1929,1928,1927,1926,1925,1924,1923,1922,1921,;" & "Other;" into choices
put the value of 1 into lastItem
get topLeft of target
get HPopUpMenu(choices, -lastItem, (item 2 of it),(item 1 of it))
if item 1 of it is "Other" then
ask "Enter Year"
if it is not empty then
put it into bkgnd field "year"
end if
if item 2 of it is not empty
then put item 2 of it into bkgnd fld "year"
if item 1 of it is not empty
then put item 1 of it into field "year"
end if
end if
end chooseYear
on fieldMsg
answer "This is a data entry field."
end fieldMsg
on doPlay
get name of background
put last word of it into bname
Answer "Play through which cards?" with "cancel" or "All cards" or bname
if it is "All cards" then show all cards
put id of this card into start
put empty into new
repeat until start = new
go to next card of this background
put id of this card into new
wait 10 ticks
if the mouseClick then exit repeat
end repeat
end if
end doPlay
on doPrint
answer "Print Which?" with "Report..." or "Stack..." or "Card"
get it
doMenu ("Print " & it)
end doPrint
on doReset
global Pnum
lock screen
repeat with j = 1 to 6
put empty into cd field ("P" & j)
end repeat
unlock screen
put empty into Pnum
end doReset
on doShowSortButtons
show button "set artist"
show button "set title"
show button "set content class"
show button "set catalog number"
show button "set recording label"
show button "set year"
show button "set format"
end doShowSortButtons
global ThisKey
on doSetArtist
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetArtist
end if
put "artist" into ThisKey
hide button "set artist"
unlock screen
end doSetArtist
on doSetTitle
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetTitle
end if
put "title" into ThisKey
hide button "set title"
unlock screen
end doSetTitle
on doSetFormat
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetFormat
end if
put "format" into ThisKey
hide button "set format"
unlock screen
end doSetFormat
on doSetContentClass
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetContentClass
end if
put "content class" into ThisKey
hide button "set content class"
unlock screen
end doSetContentClass
on doSetRecordingLabel
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetRecordingLabel
end if
put "recording label" into ThisKey
hide button "set recording label"
unlock screen
end doSetRecordingLabel
on doSetCatalogNumber
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetCatalogNumber
end if
put "catalog number" into ThisKey
hide button "set catalog number"
unlock screen
end doSetCatalogNumber
on doSetYear
global ThisKey
lock screen
get cd field "P6"
if it is not empty then
exit doSetYear
end if
put "year" into ThisKey
hide button "set year"
unlock screen
end doSetYear
on doCheckP
global ThisKey,Pnum
add 1 to Pnum
if the value of Pnum < 7
then put ThisKey into cd field ("P" & Pnum)
end doCheckP
on doSearch
global check
ask "Search for what keyword?" with check
put it into check
find string check
end doSearch
on doSortNow
lock screen
repeat with j = 1 to 6
if cd field ("P" & j) is empty then
answer "Six keys must be selected to sort"
unlock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
end repeat
put cd field "P1" into fldOne
put cd field "P2" into fldTwo
put cd field "P3" into fldThree
put cd field "P4" into fldFour
put cd field "P5" into fldFive
put cd field "P6" into fldSix
unlock screen
if fldOne contains "artist" then
sort by last word of first line of field fldOne & field fldTwo & field fldThree & field fldFour & field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
if fldTwo contains "artist" then
sort by field fldOne & last word of first line of field fldTwo & field fldThree & field fldFour & field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
if fldThree contains "artist" then
sort by field fldOne & field fldTwo & last word of line 1 of field fldThree & field fldFour & field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
if fldFour contains "artist" then
sort by field fldOne & field fldTwo & field fldThree & last word of line 1 of field fldFour & field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
if fldFive contains "artist" then
sort by field fldOne & field fldTwo & field fldThree & field fldFour & last word of line 1 of field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
if fldSix contains "artist" then
sort by field fldOne & field fldTwo & field fldThree & field fldFour & field fldFive & last word of line 1 of field fldSix
lock screen
exit doSortNow
end if
sort by field fldOne & field fldTwo & field fldThree & field fldFour & field fldFive & field fldSix
lock screen
unlock screen
end doSortNow
on doSortClose
global Pnum
repeat with j = 1 to 6
if cd field ("P" & j) is empty then
repeat with k = 1 to j
put empty into cd field ("P" & k)
end repeat
put empty into Pnum
end if
end repeat
hide button "set artist"
hide button "set title"
hide button "set content class"
hide button "set catalog number"
hide button "set recording label"
hide button "set year"
hide button "set format"
hide button "Reset"
hide button "Sort Now"
hide button "Cancel"
hide cd field "SORTING OPTIONS"
pop card
end doSortClose
on doDelete
answer "Are you sure you want to delete this card?" with "cancel" or "delete"
if it is "delete" then
visual effect wipe down to black
doMenu delete card
end if
end doDelete
on doRecLabel
put "Other;A,A&M,Archiv,Arista,Atlantic,;C,Capitol,Chandos,Chrysalis," & "Columbia,Concord,;D,Delos,Denon,Deutsche Grammophon,DRM,;E,ECM," & "Elektra,EMI-Angel,Epic,Erato,;G,Geffen,GRP,;H,Harmonia Mundi," & "Hyperion,;I,Intima-Enigma,Island,;L,L'Oiseau-Lyre,London,Legato,;" & "M,MCA,Motown,Muse,;N,New World,Newport Classics,;P,Philips," & "Pro Arte,;R,RCA,Rhino,;S,Sire,;T,Telarc,;V,Vanguard,Virgin,;W,Warner" into choices
put the value of 1 into lastItem
get topLeft of target
get HPopUpMenu(choices, -lastItem, (item 2 of it),(item 1 of it))
if item 1 of it is "Other" then
ask "Enter Recording Label"
if it is not empty then
put it into bkgnd field "recording label"
end if
if item 2 of it is not empty
then put item 2 of it into bkgnd fld "recording label"
end if
end doRecLabel
on doSort
lock screen
show cd field "SORTING OPTIONS"
show button "Reset"
show button "Sort Now"
show button "Cancel"
unlock screen
end doSort
on doShowSortFields
show cd field "P1"
show cd field "P2"
show cd field "P3"
show cd field "P4"
show cd field "P5"
show cd field "P6"
end doShowSortFields
on doHideSortFields
hide cd field "P1"
hide cd field "P2"
hide cd field "P3"
hide cd field "P4"
hide cd field "P5"
hide cd field "P6"
end doHideSortFields
on doPower
visual effect iris close to black
answer "POWER off. Exit to which?" with "Cancel" or "Home" or "Finder"
if it is not "Cancel" then
if it is "Home" then doMenu it
else doMenu quit HyperCard
else answer "POWER on"
end doPower
on startUp
hide menubar
end startUp
on setVideo1
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "title"
hide bkgnd field "IItitles"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitles"
end if
end setVideo1
on setVideo2
if bkgnd field "numVol" contains "1" then
hide bkgnd field "IItitles"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitles"
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
hide bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "IItitles"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitles"
end if
end if
end setVideo2
on setVideo3
if bkgnd field "numVol" contains "3" then
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to false
hide bkgnd field "title"
hide bkgnd field "IItitles"
show bkgnd field "IIItitles"
end if
hide bkgnd field "IIItitles"
end if
end setVideo3
on setTape1
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "IA"
show bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "IAperf"
show bkgnd field "artist"
show bkgnd field "IB"
show bkgnd field "IBtitle"
show bkgnd field "IBperf"
show bkgnd field "IBartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIA"
hide bkgnd field "IIAtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIAartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIAperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIB"
hide bkgnd field "IIBtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIBartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIA"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIB"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBperf"
end if
end setTape1
on setTape2
if bkgnd field "numVol" contains "1" then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
hide bkgnd field "IA"
hide bkgnd field "title"
hide bkgnd field "IAperf"
hide bkgnd field "artist"
hide bkgnd field "IB"
hide bkgnd field "IBtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IBartist"
hide bkgnd field "IBperf"
show bkgnd field "IIA"
show bkgnd field "IIAtitle"
show bkgnd field "IIAartist"
show bkgnd field "IIAperf"
show bkgnd field "IIB"
show bkgnd field "IIBtitle"
show bkgnd field "IIBartist"
show bkgnd field "IIBperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIA"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIB"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBtitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBperf"
end if
end if
end setTape2
on setCD1
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "Isel"
show bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "Iperf"
show bkgnd field "artist"
hide bkgnd field "IIsel"
hide bkgnd field "IItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
end if
end setCD1
on setCD2
if bkgnd field "numVol" contains "1" then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "Isel"
show bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "Iperf"
show bkgnd field "artist"
hide bkgnd field "IIsel"
hide bkgnd field "IItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
hide bkgnd field "Isel"
hide bkgnd field "title"
hide bkgnd field "Iperf"
hide bkgnd field "artist"
show bkgnd field "IIsel"
show bkgnd field "IItitle"
show bkgnd field "IIartist"
show bkgnd field "IIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
end if
end if
end setCD2
on setLP1
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "IAsel"
show bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "Iperf"
show bkgnd field "artist"
show bkgnd field "IBsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIAsel"
hide bkgnd field "IItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIBsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBsel"
end if
end setLP1
on setLP2
if bkgnd field "numVol" contains "1" then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
show bkgnd field "IAsel"
show bkgnd field "title"
show bkgnd field "Iperf"
show bkgnd field "artist"
show bkgnd field "IBsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIAsel"
hide bkgnd field "IItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIBsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBsel"
if the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" is false then
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol II" to true
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol I" to false
set the hilite of bkgnd button "Vol III" to false
hide bkgnd field "IAsel"
hide bkgnd field "title"
hide bkgnd field "Iperf"
hide bkgnd field "artist"
hide bkgnd field "IBsel"
show bkgnd field "IIAsel"
show bkgnd field "IItitle"
show bkgnd field "IIartist"
show bkgnd field "IIperf"
show bkgnd field "IIBsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIIAsel"
hide bkgnd field "IIItitle"
hide bkgnd field "IIIartist"
hide bkgnd field "IIIperf"
hide bkgnd field "IIIBsel"
end if
end if
end setLP2
on goNext
visual effect dissolve very fast
go to next card of this background
end goNext
on goPrev
visual effect dissolve very fast
go to prev card of this background
end goPrev
on goTape
visual effect barn door open fast
go to any card of background "Tape"
end goTape
on goVideo
visual effect barn door open fast
go to any card of background "Video"
end goVideo
on goCD
visual effect barn door open fast
go to any card of background "CD"
end goCD
on goLP
visual effect barn door open fast
go to any card of background "LP"
end goLP
on doContentClass
put "Big Band;Classical,Ancient,Baroque,Classical,Romantic," & "20th Century,Collection;" & "Country - Western;International;Jazz;New Age;Popular;" & "Rap;Rock,50's,60's,70's,80's,90's,Acid,Alternative,Folk," & "Grateful Dead,Heavy Metal,Progressive,Punk,;" & "Rythym and Blues;Soul;Soundtrack;Vocal;Other;" into choices
put the value of 1 into lastItem
get topLeft of target
get HPopUpMenu(choices, -lastItem, (item 2 of it),(item 1 of it))
if item 1 of it is not empty then
put item 1 of it into bkgnd fld "content class"
if item 1 of it is "Classical"
then put (item 1 of it && item 2 of it) into field "content class"
if item 1 of it is "Rock"
then put (item 1 of it & "-" & item 2 of it) into field "content class"
if item 1 of it is "Other" then
ask "Enter Music Class"
if it is not empty
then put it into bkgnd fld "content class"
end if
end if
end doContentClass